In 1735 Swedish scientist Carolus Linnaeus invented a system of biological classification known as Taxonomy. Within it exists Kingdom Animalia, comprised of ten million species, everything on planet Earth that either swims, walks or flies including elephants, mosquitos, goldfish, snakes, cows, pigs and us, humans. With equal parts humor, hope and despair the artwork of Citizen Animalia call us to re-examine the complex relationship between us humans and our fellow members of Kingdom Animalia.


Participating Artists include: Rene Arceo, Brandon Ballengée, Mizraim Cárdenas, Sue Coe, Whit Deschner/The Great Salt Lick, Mark Dion, Nicholas Galanin, Roie Galitz, Laurel Roth Hope, Jenny Kendler and Brian Kirkbride, Sonia Levy, Ricardo Linares, Norman W. Long, Raúl López-Reyes, Jo-Anne MacArthur, Peggy MacNamara, Dolores Mercado, Alexis Rockman


Curated by Mark Porter


Citizen Animalia would not be possible without The Illinois Arts Council, Galerie St. Etienne, We Animals, Ronald Feldman Fine Art, Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, Catharine Clark Gallery, The National Museum of Mexican Art, and Arceo Press.