The Animals Look Back at Us: Traveling Exhibition

22 February - 20 October 2013
For the first time in the history of art, the animals look back at us in art imagery. Their gaze is direct, a direct address, a one-to-one relationship. The animals are fully present in all their living wholeness, vulnerability, intensity, and even ferocity. They are their very own being rather than merely there for our admiration or projected needs. The artists in this exhibition are in the vanguard of a new movement, which by resonating with the inner life of animals, is opening up a vital dialogue with our fellow sentient beings. Curated by Sara Lynn Henry. Sara is an independent curator and art writer concerned with art, nature and science matters. She is also a Professor of Art History, Emerita, and N.E.H. Distinguished Teaching Professor of Humanities, Emerita at Drew University.
The artists in the exhibition are: Terri Amig, Catherine Chalmers, Sue Coe, Lee Deigaard, Mary Frank, Jan Harrison, Gillian Jagger, Isabella Kirkland, David Marell, Gwynn Murrill, Christy Rupp, Janice Tieken, Eva van Rijn.

The Animals Look Back at Us exhibition venues:

Byrdcliffe's Kleinert/James Art Center, Woodstock, NY, Feb 22–Mar 31, 2013

Williamsburg Art & Historical Center, Brooklyn, NY, Sep 21–Oct 20, 2013